

What is it ?

Creative delight art is a recycled- based and eco friendly project resulting  in hand made creativity.
It begun with postcards which arose by cutting old magazines, creating a sort of collage combined with drawings and slogans. The material came fro  collecting Magazines found at the metro or in shops or simply  lying around for advertising. The thought it is: better find a reason to reuse them, than to throw them into the bin. It would be wasted paper and content. Every card is made with a lot of love and care, always transmitting a message by the combination of little art pieces.


Other ideas
came up

Cooking delight is about combining art and food. Because food is actually art. The eyes eat before the tongue tastes. The goal is to put more effort into how to nourish our  body, focusing on the different vegetables and fruits nature has to offer and to be able to transform them into something delicious. Because cooking can also be artistic and poetical… but no more words about it, stay tuned and be surprised.

The Goal

The goal is to reach people and to inspire society to be more attentive to ecology, to respect nature and human beings We have to learn to be open regarding how life is changing and what we can do to make the world a better place to stay true to onesself. Life is moving faster nowadays, so it is easy to forget own dreams, motivations, passions and wishes. This project also focuses on wellbeing, such as a mindful diet by respecting animals.


About me

Half Italian, half German, a weird Gemini with the head in the clouds. That is the best way to describe me. I grew up in Frankfurt, Germany but was also educated by my Italian mother about the italian culture which was always relevant to me. 

Feeling neither fully Italian nor fully German the best way for me to find a balance was to go to France. Having a deep connection  with this country since I was a child, as we used to travel to the south of France almost every summer as a family.  Since then, I fell in love with the language and the culture. I always knew, I would come back one day. 

I did my half a year particular AU PAIR experience and then a three years bachelor in applied languages at the Sorbonne. I don’t know what will be next, but I surely know that my Parisian journey is still not over yet . And I would like you, my dear friends, to follow me through the next years. Give you  some inspiration about food, art and selfcare and to discover with me this charming  and magical city.

I always wanted to share my thoughts and creeativity with the world. I think it is important to always be  open towards new possibilities and opinions while maintaining respect and freedom for oneself and people around you.    

For me, there is no better way than to live this throug words, colours, shapes and flavours creating new Art, Literature and cuisine, my theree passions besides Yoga. 

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3 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago


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